Do you still love your horse if he no longer meets your expectations?

Loving, is without expectations, otherwise it is attachment.

Let this sink in…..

If you are being very honest with yourself, what does your horse need to comply with to be self-satisfied? Does he have to perform certain achievements? To what purpose? What does it bring you? What does it bring to your horse? What are you attached to?

Are you also very happy with your horse, and do you still love him just as much when he is no longer as healthy, and no longer accomplishes what you want with him? Or do you sell him and move on with another horse?

Will you take care of the cost for your animal until death do you part? Does he have 4 legs or 3 legs? Big ears, a hanging belly, a messy coat?

Your horse accepts you just as you are. Even when you don’t have your day, and sometimes it affects you. When he gets punched because he cant stand still. When he has to walk through a badly fitted saddle with back pain. He still loves you just as much.

Even in the harshest of circumstances, he sees the good in you, and wants harmony, even if it costs his health and his life. He takes you just as you are.

And even when he’s all up, and it’s not going well, he wants before you, to be well. These are the horses that are shining in the barn and broken inside.

Saw this picture passing by, it is so fitting for how I feel about horses, had to share it. For all our loyal four-legged friends, I hope for more awareness.


Author: Alejandra Navas

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